★★★أضخم موضوع (لبيع صفحات فيس بوك) لأشهار موقعك (صفحات وأسعار ممتازة تناسب الجميع)★★★

بعد التحية لكل أخواتى الاأعضاء 

جميعنا يعلم الأهمية الكبيرة جدا لصفحات الفيس بوك فى أشهار ونشر اى موقع بشكل سريع جدااا وفى التسويق وجميع المجالات وفى الفترة الاخيرة أتجهت جميع المنتديات والمواقع لنشر على هذه الصفحات مما حقق نجاح كبير جدا لهذه الموقع

إليكم بعض هذه الصفحات المعروضة للبيع 

أسم الصفحة : تهييس في اللذيذ 
عدد المعجبين : 334,587

أسم الصفحة : Helmy Lovers 
عدد المعجبين : 210,000

أسم الصفحة : Ahmed Mikki

أسم الصفحة : Ahmed El Sakka - أحمد السقا 
عدد المعجبين : 87,438

أسم الصفحة : Sameh hussein lovers 
عدد المعجبين : 60,562

أسم الصفحة : See More 
عدد المعجبين : 51,815

أسم الصفحة : I Hate "Battery Low" 

أسم الصفحة : SonGs | اغاني 

أسم الصفحة : تحدي جمع 10000 الاف من عشاق تامر حسني خلال فتره قصيره مدتها شهرين

أسم الصفحة : Mohamed Hamaki - 7aga Mesh Tabe3ia ( New Album 2010 )

أسم الصفحة : ابو الليف

هذه ليست كل الصفحات يوجد عشرات الصفحات هقوم بأضافتها لحقاً أن شاء الله .....

((( أسعار الصفحات )))

لكل 1000 معجب = 10 جنيه مصرى & 1.80 دولار
((( طريقة الدفع )))

* حوالة على البريد المصرى
* حوالة على 
Western Union
* تسليم يد بيد فى حالة عدم أنشغالى
يتم تسليم الصفحة لك بعد الدفع فى خلال يوم  كحد أقصى حسب طريقة الدفع والسرعة فى استلام الاموال

((( طريقة التواصل )))

لو فى صفحة أختارتها وعايز تشتريها بالاسعار المتفق عليها ابعتلى رسالة عالميل 
 وحددلى طريقة الدفع وهيتم ارسال ليك البيانات وحجز الصفحة ليك حتى أتمام عملية البيع

وفى حالة اى شخص يريد حجز صفحة بطريقة سريعة قبل ان تباع لشخص أخر ممكن تتصل على الرقم دا وهيتم حجز الصفحة ليك بأذن الله : 01276728489

أرجو عدم أرسال اى رسائل خاصة أو اتصال سوا فى طلب الشراء والاتفاق فقط ولو يمكن طلب أرجاع صفحة بعد شرائها 

اتمنى ان اكون قدمت شىء مفيد للجميع بأذن الله..

Why You Should Market Your Business 1 Product At A Time

Expert Author Daniel Kanuck
There are about 1001 ways to market your business, but you should know that only a handful of these techniques will bring you the most customers. When marketing your products, one thing that you don't want to do is bombard your customers with a flurry of products. Stick to successfully marketing 1 of your products first, and then when that's done, do the same thing for another product.
You have to think about it like this. Have you every heard of the restaurant Zaxby's? Well I go there all the time, and there are a few of them in my city. So one day I got to thinking, "I wonder if they tried to build all 3 locations on a daily basis?" The answer that I came up with is no.
My guess is that they started off with 1 location and see if the business would do well in the area, and when business started taking off, the performed the same test in another area of my city. There are Zaxby's all over the place outside of my city, and even though there are so many different restaurants, they all started out by marketing their businesses one by one.
You should consider doing the same thing for your customers. You never want to promote a ton of products at once - as this will only confuse people. Stick with marketing one product at a time, get new customers from this one product, get them to refer and buy some more, and then (and only then), you should consider selling another product related to your niche.
This is the easiest way to go about marketing your products and services. However if you still want to try marketing all of your products at once, then give it a shot. I know you may be thinking that you will follow the business model of eBay and Amazon, but trust me when I tell you, you will lose a lot of money in the process. So stick with marketing one product at a time.
Like I said, there are a ton of ways to promote your products and services, but only a few of them will work for you if you let them. The last thing you want to do is to start using brand advertising, and end up losing huge sums of money in the process because you don't know the backend marketing plan of brand advertising.
If you want to have success in your business, there are all kinds of places to look. You don't have to be a marketing genius to make this happen - you just have to keep your marketing engines in full gear, ready to scoop up any new leads and customers that it can find.
Hopefully you will use these tips to have the kind of success that you dream of in your business. Once you put them into use, you'll find yourself having more success than you've ever made before.
Good luck with using these tips to have the most success as possible in your business.
FOR MORE INFO: Learn offline marketing secrets you can use to take your small business to the next level. To learn more, visit the following website for more details:http://www.renegade-billionaire.com.

2 Reasons I Adore Direct Response Marketing

Expert Author Daniel Kanuck
Have you ever heard of the concept of "direct response marketing"? Well it's a form of marketing that is geared around giving your response right away. With direct response, there's no waiting to "hopefully" get your name out there. Either your ad works, or it doesn't.
In this article I want to share with you some of the best reasons that direct response marketing is the best way to go for your business. Believe it or not, you'll actually gain more sales and profits using this form of marketing, so don't waste your time on techniques that brings you little to no results. Here's the first reason direct response marketing is the best way to go.
1) It's trackable
By trackable, I mean that it's accountable. You'll never have to guess whether or not your ad will succeed or not. All of the information is right there of your figure tips. If you can to test a new headline, do so for a week. If the new headline works even better than the old headline, keep the new headline and discard the old one.
This is one of my favorite reasons as to why I love direct response marketing. It's fast, easy, and it tells you what is working, and what isn't. With direct response, there's no guessing required and there's no "waiting to get exposure" for your product. Your ad either works now, or it won't work in the future. Here's another reason why I like direct response marketing:
2) You can go into a niche
Niche marketing means that you're creating a sub-segment of your market, and selling your products only to these group of people. When going into a niche, make sure you do your marketing research first. If there's a magazine in your niche, you should consider marketing in that magazine also.
Make sure the magazine that you're targeting already has a lot of direct response ads in it, and make sure that the magazine has a high subscriber base. If it has alot of direct response ads in it, that means you should advertise in this magazine also. But if the subscriber count is low, you may want to consider holding off with running an ad to these people.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying to totally abandon the medium - simply test to see if it will work for you. Depending on the nature of your ad, you never know what might work for you.
Use these 2 tips to have the kind of business success that you dream of. Direct response marketing can guide you on your way no matter the type of advertising that you're doing - so get out there and start earning more money today.
I'm confident that these strategies can work for you, because I use them all the time in my business. So I'm sure to assume that you will earn as much money as possible in your business venture ahead.
Good luck with using these tips to have the most success as possible in your business.
FOR MORE INFO: Learn offline marketing secrets you can use to take your small business to the next level. To learn more, visit the following website for more details: http://www.renegade-billionaire.com.

Why You Should Generate A Lead And Then Follow Up On Them

Expert Author Daniel Kanuck
In today's article, I would like to show you how to market your products and services better than what you're currently doing right now. You see my intuition tells me that you're not making as much money as you would like to be making - and I concur with that 100%.
But even if your marketing efforts aren't producing as much profits that you would like to be making, I think it's time for a change. It's time to market your business with a promotion similar to how candidates prepare to be the President Of The United States - and they go hard with their marketing.
If you want to have the kind of success that these politicians are having in terms of publicity, you will want to put a few things into order first before you start marketing your products and services. In fact to get started, let's take a look at one of the things that you can be doing to promote your products and services effectively.
1) Generate a lead
This is similar to the concept that 80% of your total business profits will come from 20% of the people that you see each year. So when generating a lead, you won't get a 100% response. You'll more than likely get a nice bit of leads from the ads that you run, so when you collect them, treat them like royalty and pay attention to all of the whims, wants, and hurts in their lives.
This is a great way to play superhero and rescue all of the people who needs your help. And even more beneficial is that your bottom line will be increased also - so you win in 2 ways. Let's take another look at something that you can be doing to promote your products and services effectively:
2) Follow up on these leads
The first tip and this tip goes hand in hand. You always want to follow up on your leads in an attempt to convert them into customers. But to do this, you have to follow up on prospects. Follow up marketing is the cornerstone of good direct mail, and I think it's something that you should start doing today.
When marketing your products and services, be sure to keep these tips in mind so that you can maximize the true potential of your business profits. Generating a lead and following up on them are a great way to get people to buy from you, and buy more and more again (assuming that you give good customer service).
If you can use these 2 tips, you'll stand a great chance of surviving in your business. Generating a lead and following up on them is a great to boost your wealth quickly - instead of trying to sell your product in the context of the ad itself.
This is a big no-no. Don't ever try to sell your product via your ad, because you won't turn a profit from it. Always use lead generation, and you'll find yourself making more money than you ever though possible.
Good luck with using these 2 tips to have the most success in your business.
FOR MORE INFO: Learn offline marketing secrets you can use to take your small business to the next level. To learn more, visit the following website for more details: http://www.renegade-billionaire.com.

Using Direct Mail And Email Marketing In Your Business

Expert Author Daniel Kanuck
How are you going about marketing your products and services? Are you promoting one item at a time? Are you promoting more than one item at once? Are you offering any deals in your business? All of these questions are things that you have to ask yourself if you want to stay in business for the long haul.
There are many ways to get more new customers. The first way is with direct mail. With direct mail, you can reach thousands of people at the cost of a little under $1. So imagine sending out 1,000 letters to good candidates, and only 1% of these people buying from you. If you do the math, and your product costs you $50, then you will lose money on the initial sales to these people.
But that's OK, because you can easily recoup your investment back by selling to your backend customers. When selling to backend customers, you don't have to do anything special to get your customers to buy from you again. All you need to do is to constantly contact them on a monthly basis, just to be in their minds when they do decide to buy something.
This is marketing 101, and if you're not using this strategy in your business today, now is the time to start. In fact, here are some ways that you can keep in contact with your current customers:
1) Direct mail letters
You can write a 1-page letter in a plain #10 envelope and send it to your customers. Make sure you hand address the "to" and "from" areas on the envelope so that it can appear personal. When they open it up, have your offer inside. This is a great way to earn more money in your business as possible. Let's take a look at another way to keep in contact with your existing customers.
2) Email marketing
With this strategy, you can put your messages on autopilot. All you need is something called an autoresponder, and you'll be good to go. There are 2 places online that you can go to for acquiring an autoresponder. You can either go with Aweber.com, or Getresponse.com. Both are excellent services, so you can't go wrong with any of them.
Be sure to space your messages by at least 4 days apart. You don't want to end up spamming someone by mailing to them everyday - this annoys people, and it's the fastest way to get your offer rejected. Instead, stick with every 4 days, and you will be good to go.
If you're also mailing to these people offline, then follow up on them once a month. Hopefully your products are high cost because you can afford to spend alot of money on advertising before going broke.
Make sure you use these tips to have the most success as possible in your business. It doesn't take long for these strategies to put into motion, and it's something that you should be doing right away if you want to improve your sales and profits.
Good luck with using these tips to have the most success as possible.
FOR MORE INFO: Learn offline marketing secrets you can use to take your small business to the next level. To learn more, visit the following website for more details: http://www.renegade-billionaire.com.

10 Easy Dollar Store Grand Opening Giveaway Ideas

Expert Author Bob Hamilton
What an exciting time a dollar store grand opening can be. For the many first time shoppers it is an opportunity to see inside your store for the first time. It is a time for the shoppers themselves to see exactly what treasures your store has to offer. For you, the grand opening event represents the culmination of all the planning and hard work required to work your way through the dollar store start up process. But how can you make your dollar store grand opening event truly special to your shoppers? How can you make sure all your hard work, preparation and dollar store start up efforts are not wasted?
One of the easiest ways to add excitement to your dollar store grand opening and to make it memorable to your soon-to-be customers is by offering an assortment of gifts and freebees to all who attend. The following 10 inexpensive ideas are a place to start. Add in your own ideas to make it a special event for all who attend.
1. Promotional Products with your Store Name - Pens, tablets of paper, Frisbees, t-shirts, hats and many other products can be inexpensively branded with your store information.
2. Balloons - Purchase balloons in your primary store color, add a bit of information about your business, and hand them out to all who come inside your store. Just as other promotional products provide a way for visitors to walk away with critical information about your store and where it is located, balloons do exactly the same thing.
3. $1 Coins - Off a free $1 coin to the first 50 or 100 who come through the doors. You will be amazed at how many use that coin to make their very first purchase from your store.
4. Candy - Everyone loves candy. Whether you offer an assortment of wrapped individual candy pieces or small candy bars, they are sure to be a popular.
5. Pop Corn - Another favorite; even better, it is low cost and easy to provide to those who request a small bag. Sure; there will be some cleanup during and after the event, but the positive impact will make it well-worth the cost and added cleanup.
6. Beverages - Have an assortment of beverages available throughout the grand opening event. Shoppers will pause for a minute to recharge and then will be on their way to finish their shopping in your store.
7. Pizza - Bring in freshly baked pizza periodically throughout your grand opening event. Offer a free slice of pizza to all who are present at that time. This is your opportunity to be present and to introduce yourself and to chat with first-time visitors.
8. Promo Items from Vendors - As you work your way through the dollar store start up process you will need to locate vendors and order products. Be sure to ask if any vendors have promotional items available for you to provide to shoppers during your dollar store grand opening event.
9. Store Discount Coupons - Make this offering simple and easy for both you and your shoppers. Possibly offer a basket with store discounts on small pieces of paper. All who are making a purchase can draw for their discount prior to paying. Another option is to provide a standard discount for those 'who come again' after the grand opening is done.
10. Drawing with prizes - There is an endless list of drawing options. For example; you could let everyone who attends fill in their name and contact information and then hold the drawing right at the end of the event. Make sure the grand prize is something which will impress attendees.
Your dollar store grand opening event is the culmination of your hard work to prepare and then execute your dollar store start up. Make the event memorable to your new shoppers by offering a variety of inexpensive, yet memorable giveaway items to all who attend. Each of the ten ideas above can accomplish exactly that - and they can do it without breaking the bank. Best of all, this signals the end of your dollar store start up and the transition to an operating dollar store business.
Find more about Dollar Store Grand Opening and learn more about Dollar Store Start-up

The Power Of The Spoken Word - A Life Lesson For My Daughter

Expert Author Eno A Nsima-Obot, M.D.
Last Monday, was a perfect summer evening in Chicago. Not a cloud in the sky with warm temperatures and a light breeze blowing off the lake kept it tolerable and far from humid.
I had slept late that morning and was feeling well rested from a two-week travel assignment. I was scheduled to be away again in a few days and was intent on spending some downtime with my husband and daughter.
There's a lot of activity in Chicago in the summer. It's the summers that make up for the at times harsh and relentless winters and one of the reasons that I still call Chicago home.
What better place to experience the city this evening than the 'Taste of Chicago'.
We arrived at the downtown venue at about 6.45 PM just ahead of the evening rush. We could hear the musicals from the 'Broadway in Chicago' performance on the main stage.
My husband and I had done a 4-mile run that morning and so I was primed and hungry. After we purchased our food tickets, I made a beeline for the Nigerian Kiosk serving coconut rice, stewed goat meat and fried plantains. There is nothing like good cooked 'soul food'.
Wiping off my hands after finishing off we wove in and out of the crowds 'window shopping' for dessert. There were low flying sea gulls all around us.
'I wish these birds would stop flying over me. I don't want them to poop on me!' exclaimed my daughter in disgust.
'Mind what you say, they could just poop on you', I replied absentmindedly as I peered into the closely packed stalls looking for a unique twist on dessert.
My husband decided to grab a can of beer. We had run out of tickets. I was still in search of the 'once in a lifetime' dessert. So we sauntered over to a ticket booth to purchase some more.
We were just about to stand on line when my daughter let out a blood-curdling scream. Alarmed we both whipped around to see what had happened to her.
There on the left side of her neck was a neat white dribble of bird poop!
I could not control my laughter! There she was irate - now trying to swat at the errant birds with her purse. I had one piece of tissue left over from my dinner. I deftly cleaned her neck amidst my snickers of laughter.
'I told you to be careful of what you say,' I admonished her playfully as I explained to my husband the earlier exchange I had with her over just the same topic.
You see what my daughter had just experienced first hand was an example of the power of the spoken word.
To me it was exciting that she could see first hand that she had the power to manifest what she put her mind to intentionally or unintentionally.
This was a great teaching moment for us as a family.
'Think of the power that you have to create anything you want in your life!' I exclaimed excitedly. Being the teenager that she is she simply rolled her eyes.
Yes we all have the power to create the anything that we want to create in our lives.
That power lies in a part of our mind called the subconscious mind. And just as my daughter found out in our 'life's laboratory' experiment, the subconscious mind does not have a great sense of humor!
Whatever you suggest to the subconscious mind it sets out to make your reality.
And it can get bogged down by constant negative mental chatter and clutter.
Do you pay attention to what you feed your mind?
Just as I shared in an earlier article on mental poisoning what you focus on you bring more into your awareness.
It's always intriguing to me when I hear patients say things like 'I just knew I was going to get sick after that person sneezed on me!'
And guess what? The subconscious mind is just like the 'genie in the bottle' When you consciously or unconsciously declare you are going to get sick-well your wish is it's command you get sick!
Some people find it intriguing that despite my work as a locum tenens physician with travel to different hospitals, and staying in hotels for weeks, I don't get sick. At times I work up to an 80-hour week.
I'm not saying this to impress you, but to impress upon you that I prime my subconscious mind with thoughts of health, vibrancy and vitality.
We all have the power to do the same things with our subconscious mind. We just need to make a conscious choice to. It is not my intention to make this sound so simple, as I know some readers may think I'm just saying 'just say it and it's going to happen the way you say it will'.
The power of the spoken word on the subconscious mind is a sum of how you have trained your mind to interpret past experiences.
Using my daughter as an example. This is how our beliefs get primed in us at a young age:
If as her parent, my belief were that bad things are always bound to happen, then the bird pooping on her was just another self-fulfilling prophecy. And I probably would have reacted differently to reflect my belief. I would have validated what has been my experience, fed into her disgust. That would have left her with the innate message that bad things will always happen as we should expect.
Instead of that I chose to see the possibility and potential!
Possibility because she has declared that she wants to do great things in the world as a singer and a songwriter. If she says that she is going to be one who is anyone even me to say that can't happen?
Needless to say neither the bird nor my daughter were harmed in anyway. I trust that she will look back on this lesson and realize that she has the innate power to create a bright and wonderful future just because she said so.
Here are some things to consider and also practice this week:
If you knew you could not fail, what would you do?
Practice declaration with small things all week. For instance that you'll find a parking space when you need one, a friend will be available to talk when you need them. Just practice!
Next week become bolder and practice declaring bigger things- like you'll have a certain amount of money to meet a financial obligation, or you'll get a job promotion.
Do not become attached to the results of these exercises.
Just as you build muscle while working out with weights, these exercises are just a way to start working out your mind and to explore what's possible if you change your mindset to expect positive outcomes.
I look forward to your comments. Until next time,
To your health and wellbeing,
Dr Eno
Born in the United Kingdom, Dr Nsima-Obot was one of the top ten graduating students from University of Calabar, Nigeria in 1987. She completed her residency training in 1996 from the Long Island College Hospital, Brooklyn New York and since then has maintained ongoing requirements for board certification in Internal Medicine. She relocated to the Greater Chicago area in 1998. Her practice philosophy is to empower her patients to by providing them with information so that they can partner better in their healthcare. She holds regular speaking events in areas of Wellness and Prevention and has also started offering ongoing Workshops. For more information about Dr Eno log ontohttp://www.ask-dr-eno.com.

How To Sell Or Let Your Property Faster

Expert Author Ian Grainger
Selling or letting your home can either go very smoothly and very quickly or it can turn into a nightmare of viewings, no offers and huge amounts of frustration. This is, of course, largely dependent on the state of the housing or lettings market at the time you want to sell or rent, but there are certain things that you, as the home owner, can do to make things go a lot more smoothly.
The Look of the Property
The first thing you should do is take a look at your home. You will have lived there for a quite a while and grown used to the building, including all its faults. Potential buyers, however, will spot these a mile off and it could put them off. Make sure all your interior and exterior paintwork is up to scratch, make sure no wallpaper is peeling, get your garden in order, make sure your bathroom and kitchen are clean, your windows clean, your floors and carpets clean.
First impressions really are important so you definitely want your property to look its best. Just because you have lived with something for a long time, doesn't mean your prospective buyer or tenant will want to!
Incentivise your Buyers / Renters
If your property has been on the market for a while it could be worth offering some kind of incentive in order to entice a firm offer to buyers or renters. You should be careful how you go about this, but the type of incentives you could offer include:
Include white goods
If you can sell or let your property with the fridge, freezer, washing machine, dryer and all the other white goods included, this could prove to be a great attraction, especially for first time buyers or those looking to rent. Not having to fork out extra for essential appliances could give your property the edge over similar ones in your area.
Cover buying / letting costs
You could also offer to cover some or all of the costs associated with buying or letting a property. This includes the Stamp Duty, solicitor fees, letting agents fees, even moving costs.
Obviously you need to be wary with this type of incentive as it could end up costing you more than you bargained for, but if you get your maths right it could prove to be a great selling point.
Something different
If you're in a unique position and can offer something no-one else can you could turn this to your advantage. Perhaps you own a holiday home - would you be willing to offer up two weeks a year holiday to whoever buys or rents your property for the duration they live there? Or maybe you run a nightclub - free admission to the buyer / renter while they are in the property could be a good incentive.
In fact, if you run your own business then whatever product or service you supply could be offered up in some sort of incentive to entice people.
Think a little bit outside of the box, always being careful not to do too much, and you could sell or rent your property much more quickly than you might have imagined!
Ian Grainger is writing on behalf of Shepherd Gilmour, letting agents Manchester and estate agents Manchester.

Joint Venture Marketing And How It Can Make You Profitable

Expert Author Daniel Kanuck
Joint venture marketing is something that not a lot of business owners know about. They think that joint ventures are a cool idea, but figure that it's not for their business. Well you should know that it can be applied to anything business, at any time of the year. This is the power of joint venture marketing.
If you're not using joint venture marketing at all, then now is a great place to start. - especially when it comes to making lots of money in your business. Joint ventures have been known to successfully launch new businesses. Now while it might be tough to find joint venture partners in the offline world. Finding them online is a piece of cake.
The trick to striking up good joint venture deals all lies in the proposal letter. This is the letter that will either decide whether or not someone will want to do a joint venture with you or not - so make it good and compelling. To get a full understand on who this person is and how they market their product, is to play customer.
Buy their product, see how they sell to you on the backend, connect with them on their blog, and when you're ready, launch a JV proposal letter letting this person know that you would like to do a joint venture with them. When you go about marketing this way for JV partners, you'll improve your chances of success because these people will know who you are, and will be more inclined to say "yes" to you.
When contacting your potential JV partner, make sure you lead off with a good offer. By the time your intended recipient receives your mail to respond to your offer - they already know what the deal is. So do you both a favor and get to the point. This will solve a lot of time and effort.
To make your recipient say "yes" to your JV offer, make sure everything makes sense. Let them know the product that you would like to promote to their list, and make sure that all of the tracking instruments are used to make it a fair deal. If you want to improve your sales and process, this is the best way to go about marketing your products and services.
No matter what you do, make sure you have a good list. Without a good list, you're out of commission instantly. With numbers like these, you won't recoup your entire investment back, and you will be stuck in a hole. So make sure your list is on point.
Use these techniques to have the kind of success that you're looking for in your business. If you can find a JV partner that provides tracking, then this is easy to do. If they don't offer tracking services, find a way to track it on your end.
Joint ventures can be very profitable if you know how to do it right.
Good luck with using this technique to make more money in your business today.
FOR MORE INFO: Learn offline marketing secrets you can use to take your small business to the next level. To learn more, visit the following website for more details:http://www.renegade-billionaire.com.